Hope you enjoy these clips of Sue at work. Soon this link will include more formal demo videos. Email [email protected] if you would like to receive an email when new demos are posted.
Painting DEMO

In 2019 Sue made this 72” x 84” painting of San Francisco. The color of the sky was inspired by an afternoon of sailing on the San Francisco Bay in mid-October.
Drawing DEMO

Sue uses a chisel tip Sharpie for her drawings on canvas. She often makes a small sketch on paper, that she follows when free hand drawing the composition on the canvas. “ I am not a fan of drawing with charcoal, don’t like that it smears into the paint”.
Applying the Last Layer

Sue’s botanical paintings are full of energy. The series began in 2005. Here’s a glimpse of Sue working on one of her colorful, textural, botanical paintings.
Drawing DEMO 6x7 foot SF

Drawing is one of Sue’s favorite pass times. “The drawing sets up the feeling of the painting and I consider it the most important part of the process.”
2020 Sausalito Mural

In 2020 Sue volunteered her time to paint this mural on an empty storefront in Sausalito.
Triptych Commission

Commissioned triptych for a home in Texas. Much of Sue's studio time is spent creating commissioned paintings for home and corporate locations. She enjoys working with her clients to achieve the perfect piece for the intended space.